COTMA Conference 1986 Adelaide


The Full Document – Part 1 – 2.2MB download


                                      Part 2 – 2.6MB download




1.      “Getting Mileage from a Display” – Geoff Spiers


2.      “Legal Responsibilities to Members and the General Public” – Matthew Mitchell


3.      “Opportunities for and within Membership” – Vivienne O’Neill


4.      “What makes a Tramway Museum a Museum?” – Bill Kingsley


5.      “What brings Senior Citizens to Visit?” Arthur Taylor


6.      “Adding Reality to a Social Studies Programme” – Mostyn Schneider


7.      “Why Promote a Museum?” – Neville Smith


8.      “What have we at our Museums to bring in the People?” – Beverley Smith



1.      How would these ideas work for our Museum?


2.      What our Museums has done?


3.      What you asked for…..Open Discussion